Remembering John Butler KF6GNI

John Kenneth Butler KF6GNI passed away on 5 November 2014. He was long a member of our club. He served as our building manager and built the radio shack we use today. He also was a mentor, or as we say in the argot of ham radio an elmer, to many hams in the bay area. Jonathan Westerling N1JLV organized a remembrance of John which took place at the 6 March general meeting. Ashley, John’s daughter and her husband Cody joined us. Both made moving remarks about John and thanked the members of the club for being part of John’s life.

In honor of John the club has created a new award called the John Butler Elmer award to be given to a ham who has done an exceptional job of being an elmer to other hams.

John wished to recognize the members of the club and to that end donated his “Junk Box” of components and many items that he constructed to the members.

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