
Nets (or Networks) are like meetings, but they occur via radio.

Directed Nets are nets that have a central Network Control Station. All traffic is directed either by or through the NCS.

Membership in MARS is not required to participate in any net listed on this page.
Of course, we encourage membership in MARS, to support the club.  Membership Application or Donate

The Marin Amateur Radio Society hosts several weekly Directed Nets:

MARS HF Net Every Sunday at 9:30 AM Local time on 3915 kHz LSB start net online

MARS DMR Net Every Tuesday at 6:45 PM Local time on Norcal Talk Group 31068

MARS VHF Net Every Sunday 10:00 am: On the Simulcast Repeater System. Click here for system details  start net online

In the event that the Simulcast Repeater System is down, the Stand-Alone VHF Repeater will be used. Click here for details


Marin County RACES/ACS Nets
Marin County RACES/ACS Website

Tuesday 7:15pm: Local Area Nets – contact Marin County RACES/ACS for frequencies
Tuesday 7:30pm: County Wide Net – Simulcast Repeater System Click here for system details



CW Training Net

Wednesday evenings, at 7:00pm to about 8:00pm, on 40 meters at 7.107 MHz (or thereabouts) there is an informal roundtable of a few CW operators and learners for a slow speed CW practice session.  New students, those wanting to brush up on rusty skills, or experienced CW operators are welcome.  Occasionally we may use the club’s 2 meter FM repeater on 146.700 MHz for voice backup.  Note that the net is in the portion of the 40 meter band where all licensed hams, including Technicians, are legally allowed to use CW. Membership in MARS is not required to participate in this net.  Any licensed amateur with HF privileges can participate.  Those not yet comfortable on the air are welcome to bring their practice oscillator to the clubhouse on Sunday morning for audio practice and coaching.

(Directions to the Clubhouse) MARS Alto Clubhouse

Digital Modes Information Net

Thursday night 8:00pm-10:00pm – 443.525 UHF [Plus Offset – PL 82.5] repeater – Membership in MARS is not required to participate in this net. Any licensed amateur can participate.

The Contra Costa Communication Club {4C’s}, WB6KQB, runs an ‘FL digi’ net on Monday nights at 19:00 (7 PM) on their UHF repeater [444.275 MHz + PL 82.5].



Updated 2025-03-24 WA6UDS

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