
Meet the club on the air on Sunday mornings.  Check out the Nets page for more information or contact us.

When possible, all meetings, unless otherwise announced, occur at the Alto Clubhouse (directions below) MARS Alto Clubhouse
27 Shell Road
Mill Valley, CA 94941

Weekly Informal Meetings (“Babble Class”)
Most Sundays
  (Some holidays, no one comes down.)
10am – 12pm (or so)
This Sunday-morning get together has been smilingly dubbed “Babble Class” because of it’s weekly time slot. These meetings are a great way to introduce yourself, meet local hams and find out more about Amateur Radio. All are welcome! The group meets almost every Sunday morning at the Alto Clubhouse. If a holiday falls on Sunday, no one may come down to open up the clubhouse.  Net members: Do not forget to check in to the Sunday Morning Nets.


The VHF Sunday Morning Net is scheduled at 10:00 am on 146.700 MHz. See: Nets for more information.

General Membership Meetings
First Friday of every Month (Except the first Fridays in July and December, and please check the date if the first Friday occurs on a holiday). Meeting begins at 7:30pm.  We usually gather around 7:00 for food. Please RSVP to: if you plan to attend for dinner, so we have enough food.  Remember to feed the dinner kitty (donation optional).   

See: Guest Speaker Schedule for our guest speaker programs.
Meeting length varies depending on the program, but usually finishes around 9pm.  Guests are welcome to attend.  Members are encouraged to attend.

2 Meter Critical Mass Marin
Third Sunday of the month 10:00 hrs  to 12:00 hrs at the Marin County Civic Center Lagoon, SE corner near the fountain. Practice using your two meter radio with other newbies and elmers. Check out the Two Meter Critical Mass website at

Annual Meeting

The scheduled November General Membership Meeting is designated as the Annual Meeting in the By-Laws.  Nominations for the Board of Directors by the Election Committee are announced. Board of Directors nominations from the membership are accepted. Members vote for Directors by online balloting. Anything that requires a vote by the membership, will be explained. If there is not a quorum of members present at the Annual meeting, members vote by online or mailed balloting.  Members are encouraged to attend.  

Board of Directors Meeting
2nd Thursday of every Month, according to the By-Laws, unless cancelled or changed by the Board. 
Meetings are called to order at 7:30pm.
Meetings may last 60 minutes or longer depending on the agenda.  Members are welcome to attend. If Board determines that a closed session is merited (infrequently), non-Board members will be asked to leave.

Special Committee Meetings
Check: Our Calendar Page for dates and locations.
Normally held at the Clubhouse. All meetings, unless otherwise announced, are open to members.

Directions to the Clubhouse  
The clubhouse is reached by taking the E. Blithedale exit to Mill Valley from Highway 101. Drive west toward Mill Valley only one block to the intersection of Tower Road.
Turn right on Tower, then jog right on Meadow to Shell. Turn left on Shell and look for an old firehouse on the left at 27 Shell Road.

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