Event Sponsor

Upcoming event Saturday, August 24, 2024
Last Updated | Feb. 24, 2024 |
Event | Double Dipsea |
Date | August 24, 2024 |
Time | MEDIUM LENGTH EVENT 5:30 AM – 6:30 PM Various shifts available |
Sponsoring Organization Website | https://brazenracing.com/doubledipsea/ |
Activity Description | Communications support for The Double Dipsea, an annual trail run event that starts and finishes at Stinson Beach. Around 800 participants run from Stinson Beach over Mt. Tamalpais to Old Mill Park in Mill Valley, and back over the same course to Stinson Beach, about 14 miles of steep terrain. This event has a staggered start according to age and gender. NOTE: Some slow-moving, un-official participants may be on the trail before the event officially starts. The permit in 2017, moves the start time, forward earlier. |
What Will Be Expected | Hams staff fixed locations along the trail. Monitor and report the first participants by bib number through a location (in each direction), and monitor the last participants progress. Report any participants who need assistance or who drop out. Please supply your t-shirt size, when signing up.Please use and respond to your tactical designator. If we utilize trackers, Net Control will monitor their progress. Sweeps will close the course, staying behind the last runners. EMERGENCY TRAFFIC ALWAYS HAS PRIORITY. PLEASE STAND BY UNTIL THE EMERGENCY HAS BEEN HANDLED |
MARS Organizer | |
Pre-event Briefing | Thursday before event at 19:30 on Zoom |
Volunteers Required | 15 are required, and the number could vary, depending on the need for shorter shifts. |
Send Debriefs To | debrief@w6sg.net |
Approximate Location of Aid Stations | Insult Hill / White Gate – Mile 1 OutBound | Cardiac – Mile 3 Outbound | Muir Woods – Mile 5 OutBound | Old Mill Park – Mile 6.85 Turnaround | Muir Woods – Mile 6.8 Inbound | Cardiac – Mile 10.6 Inbound | Insult Hill / White Gate – Mile 12.7 Inbound |
Shortcuts | Unfortunately, this race does not have an open course. The shortcuts used in the past have been banned by the National Park Service and State Parks for five years. Double Dipsea runners are required to stay on the marked course at all times. Participants who take shortcuts will be disqualified, removed from the results, and deemed ineligible for participation in future Double Dipsea events. This is not a rule created by the DSE Runners or by Brazen Racing, but compliance is necessary for the future for the race and so we must enforce it. |