Blog Archives

Auction of Surplus Club Equipment 7/11

We are planning to hold an auction of surplus club equipment on Saturday, July 11.  Doug Slusher, KF6AKU has made an inventory, and will make recommendations of equipment to be sold.  The surplus equipment will be sold in a silent auction format. All items will be sold in as-is condition, and all sales

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Posted in Club Events, Uncategorized

Ham Volunteers Needed 7/18/15

We have received a request for ham support for the Marin Headlands Bike Classic, sponsored by The Arthritis Foundation. Message: “Hello! We are looking for volunteer support for our Bike Ride through the Marin Headlands. There are parts of our route not accessible my mobile phone where we need to

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Posted in Public Service, Uncategorized

Ham Volunteers needed May 16

Harold Nygaard, KF6WYF is looking for volunteers for the Sonoma County Backroad Challenge on May 16, 2015. Information about the ride can be found here: Anyone wishing to help out as a Sag or Rest Stop station is encouraged to contact Harold and fill out the following sign-up

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Posted in Public Service

Jeff Wiener, N6VCS SK

We were saddened to learn that Jeff Wiener, N6VCS, was a silent key.  Jeff was a WWII and Korean War veteran, and was active on the SS Jeremiah  O’Brien.

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HR 1301 – Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015

House Resolution 1301 (The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015) was introduced on March 4, 2015 to continue the effort begun in 2014 with HR 4969. ARRL President Kay Craigie and other ARRL officials visited Capital Hill to garner support and co-sponsors for this resolution, and to educate lawmakers on

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Posted in Regulatory, Uncategorized

East Bay General Class April 14, 2015

Preparation for Amateur Radio License: General Class. April 14th thru end of May, 2015. The East Bay Amateur Radio Club and West Contra Costa Adult Education will offer a class to prepare applicants for the General Class Amateur Radio License, starting April 14th, 2015 and ending late May, 2015. The

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Field Day 2015, June 27 & 28

Once again MARS will team up with REDXA to hold Field Day at the Marin Rod and Gun Club grounds on June 27 through June 28. Set-up begins on June 26. See: MARS Field Day 2015 for more information.

Posted in Club Events, Operating Events

Museum Ships 2015

This event is held annually, the first weekend in June. How would you like to operate from the radio room on board the Balao class submarine, USS Pampanito? How about the potential to contact other historic ships around the world? On the weekend of June 6th, there will be 48

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Posted in Operating Events, Uncategorized

Silent Key: Bob Fajardo, WA6VOI

We are saddened to note the passing of Bob Fajardo, WA6VOI, a long time member of MARS. Bob passed on February 20, 2015. Bob was a Navy veteran, serving in WW II and Korea, and volunteered on the USS Pampanito submarine. Bob was also associated with training many Marin RACES

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March Board Meeting Date Change

The March 2015 Board of Directors has been moved up a week to Thursday, March 05 from March 12.

Posted in Club Events, Uncategorized

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