Blog Archives

Public Service Season 2015 Starts Soon

The 2015 Public Service Season starts soon. Our first scheduled event for MARS is Ridge to Bridge on April 25, 2015. Our schedule is listed at: Public Service To sign up for any event, please contact Michael Fischer, K6MLF ( or Randy Jenkins, KA6BQF ( To check which events

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Posted in Club Events, Public Service

January 2, 2015 Speaker: ED FONG, WB6IQN

Just a reminder to everyone that we are starting off the New Year with a great guest speaker. At the January 2nd meeting we will have Ed Fong talk about the DBJ-1 and DBJ-2 antennas which he conceived about 10 years ago.  The theory and design of these antennas appeared

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Posted in Club Events


Our Thank-You lunch for our Public Service Volunteers is scheduled for Saturday, January 17, 2015,  11:00 AM.   All hams who participated in at least one Public Service Event in 2014 and anyone who is interested in participating in public service in 2015 is invited.   Public Service awards for 2014 will

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Posted in Club Events, Public Service

HR 4969 Update

HR 4969 update from Bob Vallio, ARRL Pacific Division Director: As we all have discovered, the political process is complex and slow and the wheels of government are even slower. That being said, our efforts with HR 4969 have had measures of success; we had hoped to obtain 30 cosponsors

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Posted in Regulatory

East Bay Technician Classes

The East Bay Amateur Radio Club has announced an 8-week  Technician class beginning January 06, 2015,  Tuesday evenings, 6:30PM at the West Contra Costa Adult School, Alvarado Campus, 5625 Sutter St., Richmond, CA. Classes run through March 31.  Students may join the class through week 3 (1/20).  The Adult School charges a $15.00

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Our annual Christmas Party has been scheduled for Wednesday evening, 6:30 PM at the MARS Clubhouse at 27 Shell Road, Mill Valley. (Dinner at 6:30, gather starting at 5:30.)  Cost: $25.00 per person,  includes food, soft beverages, and door prizes. ( Collected at the door, or pre-pay on the website here.)  PLEASE RSVP. To sign

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Posted in Club Events

2014 Picnic – October 18, 2014

ALL AMATEURS AND GUESTS WELCOME!     PIPER PARK IN LARKSPUR Date of Event Saturday, October 18th, 2014 Time of Event                          11:30 a.m-3 p.m Address                                                     252 Doherty Dr, Larkspur, CA 94939 The Club will Provide Burgers, Hot Dogs, Buns, Condiments, Sodas, Water, and Charcoal RSVP IS NOT REQUIRED, BUT IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. If

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Posted in Club Events

FCC Increases Vanity Call Sign Fee for FY 2015

UPDATE:  On August 29, the FCC issued a Report & Order setting the vanity call sign fee at $21.40 for FY 2015 for a 10-year license term, according to “The ARRL Letter”. From The ARRL Letter: “The FCC has adjusted very slightly downward — to $21.40 — its proposed Amateur Service

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Posted in Regulatory

Audubon Bird Tracking Project

If someone is interested, the Audubon Society is trying to track bird migrations by attaching radio tracking equipment to birds. Message: I coordinate an Audubon Conservation Program involving a small bird that roosts in chimneys.  In early Sept we hope to capture six of them in Yakima WA and attach

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Posted in Uncategorized

ARRL Urges Grassroots Support for HR.4969

ARRL President Kay Craigie, N3KN, has issued an urgent call to all radio amateurs to get behind a grassroots campaign to promote co-sponsorship of HR.4969, “The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014.” HR.4969 would require the FCC to extend PRB-1 coverage to restrictive covenants. It was introduced in the US

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Posted in Regulatory

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