Membership Application Membership in the Marin Amateur Radio Society is open to any person with an expressed interest in Amateur Radio. Club membership requires the payment of dues (Life and Honorary members are exempt). Our current dues are $30.00 per year for individual membership. A family membership is $35.00 per year and includes all persons residing at the same address, but only one vote in club elections. New members who join after the first of October pay for the next year but their membership begins when payment is received. First name Last name Middle Initial Ham Call License Class SelectNoneTechnicianGeneralAdvancedExtra Expiration Date Address City State Zip Phone Email ARRL Member Yes Can we list your phone number in our directory? Yes Can we list your email address in our directory? Yes Spouse's Name How did you hear about us? (optional) After hitting Submit you should see a message that the application was successfully sent. Click To return to the MARS site