More Ridge to Bridge comments

Re: our operations, things seemed to go well.  Few enough stations that pile-ups weren’t an issue, at least in the morning.  My primary recommendation is to refine the tear-off tag method of logging participant arrivals.  They seemed to blow away easily if not carefully handled, and there’d be no backup.  Maybe put QR codes on the bibs and scan them as they come in?  Seems like that could be automated to log on both local device and the mesh file if that method is continued.  The local device provides the backup and a bit of coding would allow easy searching and report generation.  

Parking wasn’t an issue for the first shift, and didn’t seem any anxiety from Park Rangers about second shift parking on the shoulder toward the stables.

I do wonder what happened to Wolfback Ridge.  I tried to get a radio check early on, but that was when NCS was on HT only due to power issues.  Maybe an hour later, I started getting random kerchunks and carriers on that frequency, after which it went silent and I couldn’t bring it up.  Hmmmm.

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