Blog Archives

RSVP for our March 7th 2020 Awards Luncheon. It’s free!

Hello, radio colleagues— It’s that time again. Please RSVP, one way or the other. See below. On Saturday, March 7th at 1100, we’ll have our sixth annual public service meeting.  It’s a debrief on how things went last year, and what improvements we can make. It’s an awards ceremony, with those who worked at least 3 events

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Posted in Club Events, Public Service

Mt. Tamalpais from Diaz Ridge trail [PHOTO]

On Jan 5, 2020, Michael Fischer K6MLF took this photo of Mt. Tamalpais from Diaz Ridge trail near its intersection with Miwok Trail. Muir Woods can be seen below and Windy Gap is just past the farthest white house on Panoramic Highway. The Tam West repeater is located to the

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2019 public service awards lunch and pre-season briefing [PHOTO]

The 2020 Annual Public Service Awards Luncheon And Briefing is scheduled at the Alto Clubhouse on Saturday, March 7th from 11am-2:30pm. This photo was taken at last year’s awards luncheon and briefing.

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Happy Holidays from the Marin Civic Center Volunteers Program!

Happy Holidays, Volunteers and Interns! Click here to download your December Volunteer View newsletter. Learn how: • Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service volunteers hone their communications skills at the Dipsea and other local events, page 1 • Curiosity about government led a UC Santa Barbara graduate to intern with Supervisor

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Doug Slusher KF6AKU Relaxing at Foxy’s Fall Century 2019

Michael Fischer K6MLF captures Doug Slusher KF6AKU enjoying a lunch break at Gordon Valley Fire Station in Napa County, which was one of the stops of the Saturday October 19, 2019 event organized by the Davis Bike Club that is known as Foxy’s Fall Century.      

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Public Service Thank-You Lunch 2/25/17

The thank-you lunch for 2016 public service volunteers and an orientation for returning public service volunteers has been set for Saturday, February 25 at 11:00 AM at the clubhouse at 27 Shell Road in Mill Valley. Flier: PS-February-17 Reserve your space at: RSVP@W6SG.NET.

Posted in Club Events, Public Service, Uncategorized

2016 Public Service Season Begins

Our 2016 Public Service Schedule begins with Ridge to Bridge on Saturday, April 30. Contact Michael Fischer, K6MLF; Rob Rowlands, NZ6J; or Randy Jenkins, KA6BQF to sign up. Event Date: Mars Organizer Description Upcoming events: Marin County Bicycle Coalition’s Dirt Fondo [mtn. bike ride] Sunday, August 28, 2016 Michael Fischer

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Posted in Club Events, Public Service

Annual Public Service De-brief Scheduled 1/16/16

The annual Public Service De-brief and Thank You Meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, January 16, 2016, beginning at 12:00 Noon.   An orientation for new public service volunteers will also be held.  Lunch will be served beginning at noon, followed by the debrief, and thank-you to 2015 volunteers; followed by training

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Posted in Club Events, Public Service

Radio Volunteers Needed for July 11 Event

The Tour de MALT bicycle ride and fundraiser will happen on July 11 this year and 8-9 Sags and rest stop radio volunteers are needed. The SMRS will cover it again this year. Harold KD6WYF will be organizing it again this year. It’s a small, friendly event with only

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Posted in Public Service

New repeater on Mt Tam

Our stand alone repeater on Mt Tam is once again operational. It was removed from service when we lost the site at the bowling alley. The repeater now lives in building 402. The repeater is on 147.330 MHz with a pl of 179.9 we are still checking out coverage from

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Posted in Club Events, Public Service, Uncategorized

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