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Agenda for North Bay 2-Meter Critical Mass August 16, 2020

Here’s a followup message from Doug KF6AKU, and a reminder about the Critical Mass Zoom meeting this coming Sunday: First, Doug will ask each person (as he IDs her/him) to checkin with name and callsign, using the NATO phonetic alphabet or both.  Then he will ask Brian Cooley to run the 6-minute

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Posted in Club Events, Public Service

Signal performance at Pine Mountain during the Marin Century 2020 drill

Hi Michael and Rob, Here’s a photo of my Pine Mt. setup, and confirming the results you should have.  I was using the mag mount on the roof (hard to see behind battery) – Diamond SG-7500, plus TM-V71 at 50 W.  Power was an aging 14 Ah AGM with folding solar

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Post Event Feedback About The August 1st Marin Century Drill

Report provided by Rob Rowlands (edited): Hi all,   I think we all enjoyed getting out on Saturday – even the Comm Truck seemed eager to deploy! Net control was set up at Stafford Lake and roll call began soon after 10am. Michael chose to operate from Bofax to support

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ZBC, Dirt Fondo, and Adventure Revival now virtual events and Jensie has been canceled

Good morning, colleagues— MCBC and ZBC have made the good decision to turn their events virtual—which means their members are urged to go out on the courses in small groups on their own without support. That means no radio support will be needed this year. So you may remove August

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Marin Century bike event drill Saturday August 1

MARS is holding a drill on Saturday 1 August in place of the Marin Century bike event that would have been held on that date. This will be exciting for those of us cooped up, sheltering in place, these last 4 months as we will be going in the field to

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Posted in Public Service

2 Meter Critical Mass on Zoom July 19, 2020

Hello, North Bay 2-Meter Critical Mass colleagues— Once again we will meet on Zoom; Marin County is one of the COVID-19 hotspots, and there’s no need for us to take chances during this ongoing pandemic.  But here’s a change: as long as we meet on Zoom, we will start at

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2-Meter Critical Mass will be held Sunday June 21 on Zoom!

Colleagues: We will hold our June Critical Mass training/exercise this coming Sunday, June 21st, at 1000, on Zoom. Your invitation to Zoom will follow along with your credentials. The topic of our training this weekend will be Repeaters. We have done quite a bit of training on repeater procedures and

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MARS Critical Mass Participants Communicating via Zoom

Zoom event held on Sunday May 17, 2020. Photo provided by Michael Fischer K6MLF:

Posted in Club Events, Public Service

2020 MARS Public Service Awards Group Photo

Group Photo taken by Rob Rowlands NZ6J on March 7, 2020 just outside the MARS Club House in Mill Valley.

Posted in Club Events, Public Service

Reminder to RSVP for the Mar 7, 2020 Public Service Awards Luncheon

We have 35 RSVP “yes” responses so far, and we’re pretty sure that more of you plan to attend. Please, we need a pretty accurate number so we can provide enough lunches and enough take-home awards! Please RSVP to Cordially, Michael K6MLF

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