Blog Archives


Because it falls close to the Independence Day Holiday (July 4), we will not meet on Friday, July 01, 2016. If you show-up expecting a meeting, you will be disappointed. There will be no food, no meeting, no presentation, and the clubhouse will be locked. COMPLETED The Board will still

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Posted in Club Events

Field Day Site Changed

After many years at the Marin Rod & Gun Club, near San Quentin, our Field Day site has been moved to Monkey Ranch, 5223 Red Hill Road, Petaluma, CA 94952.  Field Day this year occurs on June 25 and June 26.  Set-up begins Friday, June 24.  Please see our Field Day page:

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Posted in Club Events, Operating Events, Uncategorized

2016 Public Service Season Begins

Our 2016 Public Service Schedule begins with Ridge to Bridge on Saturday, April 30. Contact Michael Fischer, K6MLF; Rob Rowlands, NZ6J; or Randy Jenkins, KA6BQF to sign up. Event Date: Mars Organizer Description Upcoming events: Marin County Bicycle Coalition’s Dirt Fondo [mtn. bike ride] Sunday, August 28, 2016 Michael Fischer

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Posted in Club Events, Public Service

Amateur Extra Question Pool Changes 7/01

The question pool for the Amateur Extra is scheduled to change for exams beginning July 01, 2016. The last date that one can take an exam under the current pool is June 30, 2016. Our next exam session in Mill Valley is scheduled for May 15 at 2PM. If you

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Posted in Club Events, Education, Regulatory

Guest Speaker 2016 Schedule

Presentations given in 2016: 2/5/2016  – Our guest speaker program for 2016 started off with a presentation by Brett Stewart, K6BPS. Brett talked about building a PAN adapter. 3/4/2016 – Antonis Papatsaras, AA6PP – SF club digital Fusion repeater Antonis Papatsaras spoke on the installation of a Yaesu Fusion digital

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Posted in Club Events, Uncategorized

Next Education Meeting Set for 7/10

We are planning a follow-up meeting on teaching classes again for Sunday, July 10 at 11:00AM. People who are interested in teaching classes are meeting with outgoing instructors, to plan a strategy to present classes.  Please RSVP to, if you plan to attend. COMPLETED

Posted in Club Events, Education, Uncategorized

MARS dues were due 1/01/16, Deliquent 6/30/16

MARS dues for 2016 are now due and payable. The dues are only $25.00 for 2016. You will be delinquent after June 30, and you will not receive the newsletter after that date. You may pay your dues on the website, using our PayPal account, at Renew .

Posted in Club Events, Uncategorized

2016 Officers Elected

The Board of Directors selected the following persons as the 2016 Officers at the January 14 Board Meeting: President  Tom Soskin W6MTS Vice President Kris Backenstose KK6AYC Secretary Randy Jenkins KA6BQF Treasurer Dave Hodgson KG6TCJ The rest of the Board of Directors for 2016 are: August Koehler K0CQL Trustee, W6SG

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Posted in Club Events

January General Meeting RESCHEDULED

The scheduled Friday, January 01, 2016 General Membership Meeting has been rescheduled to Friday, January 08, because it would have fallen on New Year’s Day.

Posted in Club Events

Annual Public Service De-brief Scheduled 1/16/16

The annual Public Service De-brief and Thank You Meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, January 16, 2016, beginning at 12:00 Noon.   An orientation for new public service volunteers will also be held.  Lunch will be served beginning at noon, followed by the debrief, and thank-you to 2015 volunteers; followed by training

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Posted in Club Events, Public Service

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