Blog Archives

April 21st North Bay Critical Mass Cancelled

Due to the fact that our April North Bay Critical Mass meeting falls on Easter Sunday the meeting is cancelled. Our next Critical Mass meeting will be on May 19th

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Board meeting date moved

The board of directors meets on the second Thursday of the month. In February of 2019 that falls of Valentines Day so the board has moved the February meeting to 7 February 2019. All other board meetings remain as scheduled.

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Club Christmas Party – December 12

The Marin Amateur Radio Society will be celebrate Christmas with or Christmas Dinner on 12/12/18. Doors will open at 5:30pm with dinner served at 6:30. Dinner will include Turkey with all the fixins and of course Ham. The cost is $25 per person if you purchase ahead of time and

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North Bay 2 Meter Critical Mass cancelled today

Due to the smokey conditions today’s critical mass is cancelled. We will be back on December 15th

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Picnic at Piper Park 2018

The Marin Amateur Radio Society club picnic is this Saturday September 8th at Piper Park at 250 Doherty Dr, Larkspur Ca. We will commence at 11:00 am. As in the past the club will furnish charcoal, burgers, hot dogs, and the fixins. You can bring your own meat and use

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July 6th General Membership Meeting Cancelled

Traditionally we cancel the July membership meeting and we will do so this year. I look forward to seeing you at the August 3rd meeting. Have a great Fourth of July. 73 de WA6UDS  

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Two-Meter Critical Mass comes north

Calling all hams! Attention all stations, attention all stations: The Marin Amateur Radio Society is partnering with the long-established San Francisco Two-Meter Critical Mass to create a monthly opportunity for Marin and Sonoma hams to get together and practice radio protocol. Michael Fischer K6MLF, Doug Slusher KF6AKU, and other local

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Posted in Club Events

Club Awards Page

We have added a new page to our website documenting awards given by the club. Some of us don’t remember things as well as we used to so any help you can give us filling in the blanks for past years would be appreciated. If you can help please email

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New repeater on Mt Tam

Our stand alone repeater on Mt Tam is once again operational. It was removed from service when we lost the site at the bowling alley. The repeater now lives in building 402. The repeater is on 147.330 MHz with a pl of 179.9 we are still checking out coverage from

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Lodi Amateur Radio Club Creates New VHF/UHF Contest Page

The Lodi ARC is sponsoring a website for the area’s VHF/UHF contest enthusiast. It’s called the “Nor Cali” VHF/UHF contest page and the url is  The new ARRL Vhf contest rules now allow for “assistance”, regardless of entry category. The Nor Cali page is part EME/Pingjockey style chat and part

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