Nice note from Ridge to Bridge event

I was your sole “customer” that day since my derailleur jammed on the section with no cell reception…and the “sweep”rider came to assist, and I had to coast back down Bobcat where I got the SAG back to lunch, and the mechanic fixed my bike. THANK to YOU guys, my safety would have been further jeopardized if we did not have those walkie talkies and your radio service! THANK YOU!!! Kim

I was so impressed with the caring and efficiency of how many people checked in on my well being at the lunch stop! It was so nice to know I was being “tracked”. I am impressed with how serious everyone took their job and in return, helped me! I would have still been on Bobcat trail to Marincello pushing up the rest of the hills into Tenesee Valley! 

Signed, Former Damsel in Distress, happily eating chocolate chip cookies to refuel for leg #4! 


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