Register for the Exam

Have you studied? If not see this.

Once you are confident you can pass the online practice tests, here are the four steps necessary to register:

STEP 1: Get a Federal Registration Number (FRN) – we no longer accept Social Security Numbers in order to protect your identity.

Click here (takes 3 minutes) and come back when you have your Federal Registration Number (FRN).

STEP 2: Check our exams calendar and select a date. If we don’t have a date that works for you, other sessions can be found here.
STEP 3: Fill out our Registration Form (using ADOBE Acrobat Reader*) or send as an email attachment to our VE Team
STEP 4: We will call you to confirm your information and date!


  • Suggested: A print-out of your NCVEC 605 Registration Form with FRN Number (above)
  • Required: Government issued photo identification. (Driver license, passport, school ID with photo or two other forms of ID for more info see this)
  • Required: $15.00 cash or check (please bring exact change) 
  • Required: A face covering/mask and the commitment to maintain safe 6+ foot social distancing. If you need a mask we may have extras. Please ask.
  • Required for those already licensed: If you are renewing a license, recovering an expired license or taking the General or Amateur Extra test, you will need proof of your current or past license. These can be a signed CSCE Form, a print out from the FCC ULS database showing your license, or a current or expired amateur radio license certificate. Please have your FRN Number to save time.
  • Optional: Your own pens and pencils to help maintain safe hygiene. We will provide wiped/sanitized pens and pencils if you don’t have your own.


A quiet, orderly test of 5-15 candidates, separated to ensure social distancing, with 4-6 friendly, helpful Hams to check you in (review your information, check your ID and collect the $15 fee), get you seated and preside over your test! The test is not timed, but if you take too long it would be nice to buy us dinner! (Joke). Special sessions during the COVID pandemic will mostly be conducted outdoors. Please dress appropriately.

If you miss the test by one or two questions, we may encourage you to take a second test (the questions will be different). Re-taking the same level of test costs another $15, and you can also try the next test level above for free if you have studied for it as well. If you haven’t studied, please don’t waste everyone’s time. For those who have studied, we typically see a 90% pass rate.

Those who pass will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion of Exam (CSCE) to prove they passed. Don’t leave until you sign this and get the top copy! Within two weeks, those who passed the Technican exam will receive their callsign – giving them the ability to get on the air!


For COVID Special Sessions, you will be taking the test outdoors. Please dress for either sun or fog! When you arrive a parking attendant will tell you where to park and an examiner will check you in while you’re still sitting in your car. Once you are registered and you’ve shown your ID and paid the $15 fee, an examiner will bring your test out to a card table that will be set up right in front of your car. You will take the test in full view of the examiners (who will be sitting about 20 feet away) and will simply raise your hand when you’re finished. Then you will wait in your car for the test results. In this way you will only have one person approach you and all materials will be sanitized. Please bring your own mask and optionally gloves and your own pen/pencils. We have calculators available if you feel the need for one. No other materials will be permitted at the card table.

MORE DETAILS (for the eternally curious)

*To fill out and send our registration form, you will need ADOBE Reader. Other PDF software will not work. The Adobe Reader is available for free here. If you are on IOS, get the Adobe Reader here. If you are on Android, get the Adobe Reader here. The fields are editable in the reader, so there’s no need to print out the form. PLEASE DO NOT sign the form as we will have you do that in-person when you come for your test. Leave Section Two blank as our Volunteer Examiners need to fill that section out. When you are finished filling out the form, click on the “SUBMIT FORM” button. This will ask if you would like to launch your default email program or whether you would like to use a webmail site. If you use your email program, you may see a few screens that ask if you want to allow Adobe Acrobat to access your email. This is safe in our case. If you prefer to send the form manually, SAVE the filled-out PDF to your documents folder and email it as an attachment to Ken AB6JR. After you have done all this, it is also helpful to print a copy of your forms and bring them with you the day of the test.

Applicants who list a valid e-mail address (optional) on their application, should receive an e-mail from the FCC when their application is approved, with a .pdf copy attached of their “Official Copy” of their license to print out.

Making changes to your existing license? See this: Applicant Info Qualification Question 2017 NOTE:  Candidates who wish to claim credit for any exam element, based on their previously licensed status, will be responsible for providing acceptable documentation for their claim, which is subject to review both by the VEC and by the FCC.  The VE’s at the session are only the first level of review! Please click for further information: Exam Element Credit  THIS IS NOT AN INSTANT GRANT OF PRIVILEGES!   ANY CLAIMED PRIVILGES CAN NOT BE EXERCISED CANNOT BE USED UNTIL THE PRIVILEGES APPEAR IN THE FCC ULS DATABASE.

NOTE: The FCC ceased automatically mailing paper license copies in February 2015. Never the less, applicants who desire to take an examination to upgrade their license class, are still required to present the original license, or an approved substitute, for inspection by examiners, and a copy of their license, or  a copy of an approved substitute, to submit, in order to upgrade their license. See: 97.21 and 97.509(i) for further clarification. How to Obtain a Copy of Your License

The test fee of $15.00 covers one test attempt for any or all of three examination elements; (2-Technician, 3-General, or 4-Extra Class). Checks or money orders should be made payable to ARRL-VEC. Cash is also accepted, as long we have change. Sorry, no credit cards, debit cards, Bit Coin, or PayPal, accepted.

If you successfully complete your exam, time permitting and if you have studied, we may offer you an opportunity to take the next test element for free. May not apply at Special Sessions. A second attempt at any exam element, time and staffing permitting, will require payment of a second test fee $15.00 (2021) You will not get the same version of the exam..

On or after August 21, 2017, you must complete this Form NCVEC 605 UPDATED (included in our downloadable registration form).  Otherwise blank applications will be available at the sessions.  We prefer you fill out the online form because it saves time/chaos during the exam session and not everyone has legible handwriting (so typed info is preferred).

For more information about RF Radiation Safety, please download and read this. RF SAFETY INFO

Examiners will need to look at your ID, to verify your identity. More than one examiner may have to look at your ID.

In this COVID pandemic era, we will be hyper-vigilant to provide safe social-distancing, masks and hygiene throughout our sign-in and testing process. If you have any concerns whatsoever, please bring them to our attention. We suggest you bring your own mask, pens and pencils.

Please make sure you don’t leave without first signing your CSCE or finding out why you didn’t get one. Your passing score is not official without your signature!


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