MARS Repeater Changes 4 June 2013

Big changes coming to a repeater near you...

We have started the switchover to our new VHF simulcast system. Please note that frequencies and tones are changing. It’s also important to note that as we are making these changes some of the repeaters and remote inputs will be offline. Also, some of the repeaters will be moving to new locations and some of the remote inputs will return as repeaters within the simulcast system.

If you are here and all looking for is a “How should I program my radio” guide, I suggest you scroll to the bottom of this page and look at John Butler’s suggested programming chart.

What is a simulcast system? Simulcast is the simultaneous operation of two or more transmitters with overlapping coverage on the same frequency. This means that several repeaters operating on the same frequency are deployed to cover the area required. In our world that would be north, south and west portions of Marin County. By combining three repeaters into one system, Big Rock, Mt Tam and Mt Barnabe, we will dramatically improve our coverage area..

So, isn’t that what we had before? Well, not exactly. What we had was one repeater, Big Rock, with multiple receivers spread around the county. That was good for being heard by the repeater, but not so good if you wanted to hear the repeater. Replacing the satellite receive with a full repeater will improve both transmit and receive performance in those areas.

The Timeline, On Saturday June 1 we took the first big step by upgrading the Big Rock repeater, making it the first member of the simulcast system. The new Big Rock repeater is now operating on a new frequency of 146.700 MHz with a CTCSS tone of 203.5. That’s the same tone as the old Big Rock only the repeater frequency has changed. Mt Tam will go online Saturday June 8th also on 146.70 with a tone 179.9. The last site to become part of the simulcast system will be Mt Barnabe with a scheduled completion date by the end of June if not sooner.

Where did the old 147.330 go? The old Big Rock frequency is headed for the west peak of Mt Tam in Building 402, where it will function as a standalone repeater. When this repeater goes on-line we will shut down the backup repeater on San Pedro Ridge.

What’s working today?I should note that none of the UHF repeaters are affected by this upgrade. Currently there are two active VHF repeaters.. The new 146.700 (CTCSS 203.5) running on Big Rock and for a short time we have activated the 147.330 (CTCSS 173.8). backup repeater located San Pedro ridge.

Here is what the new configuration is going to look like and its current status.

The Simulcast System Three repeaters all on a frequency of 146.700-

  • Big Rock, tone 203.5, Status: ACTIVE
  • Mt Tam, tone 179.9, Status: Down (Go live date June 8 2013)
  • Mt Barnabe, tone 167.9, Status: Down (This will be the last system to go online. Estimated go live date is end of June or sooner if schedules permit)

Standalone Repeaters 147.330 MHz

  • Mt Tam (Building 402), tone 179.9, Status: Down (Estimated install date of late July 2013)
  • San Pedro Ridge, tone 173.8, Status: Active (This repeater will remain active until Mt Tam installation is completed.)

Suggested Memory Channel Programming
Here is a suggestion for memory channel programming from John Butler, KF6GNI. The order is up to you, but I strongly suggest you add them all to your radio.

Marin VHF repeater systems:
Ch. 1 146.700- pl 203.5 Big Rock Ridge
Ch. 2 146.700- pl 179.9 Mt. Tam
Ch. 3 146.700- pl 167.9 Barnabe
Ch. 4 147.330+ pl 179.9 Mt. Tam stand alone repeater
Ch. 5 147.330+ pl 173.8 San Pedro Ridge Backup repeater
Presently only Ch. 1 and Ch. 5 are operating
Ch.5 will be shut down when ch. 4 becomes operational
All other combinations of frequency and PLs are now obsolete and should be deleted.

updated 6/4/13