Marin Amateur Radio Society


If you have a computer available in your shack, you can record check ins online using this screen. Alternativly you can print the roll call and enter in online afterward.

10:00 Sunday Morning Emergency VHF 146.70 mHz

Script: QST QST QST this is K6GWE owned and operated by the Marin Amateur Radio Society testing its emergency communications facilities. This is a directed net so please go through net control to contact another station. Your net control operator is my name, my call operating from my location

This net meets every Sunday morning at 10:00 am local time. You do not have to be a member of the Marin Amateur Radio Society to check in. All amateurs are encouraged to check in and to be available to receive traffic and general information.

Stations checking in, please give your callsign, name and location. Let net control know if you have any traffic or comments for the net.

Does anyone have any emergency or priority traffic for the net?

Handle any emergency or priority traffic

I will now commence the roll call.

After completing the roll call

Are there any late check-ins or any club members who I have not called?

Are there any visitors this morning who would like to check in?

Does anyone have any club news or items for the good of the net?

Once any late check-ins and information has been covered

With no further traffic, this is Net Control K6GWE signing off. Thanks to everyone for participating in our net this morning and enjoy the rest of your day. Your Net Control operator has been your name, your call sign, your location 73 and we are clear.
Club QST:

QST QST QST Remember to mark your calendar, the club picnic will be on Sunday September 15th at Piper Park in Larkspur. We will be providing burgers and dogs, all the fixins, and of course bellywash. Additional information can be found on the website.

Call Sign Name Mar-10 Mar-17 Mar-24 Mar-31 Apr-7 Apr-14